
Nov 28, 2007

The Halal Food Concepts

The halal concepts, are topics that is very close to me. Being Chef, there are a lot of questions yet to be answered. I also sometimes have doubts of our "well-known" HALAL-JAKIM logos. Hey, don't blame me, Malaysia after all having all sorts of advance regulations and law, yet when it come to implementing it...hancus (gone with the wind).

  1. As for start, the halal concepts lies in the ingredients itself. In the early years of working, I would love to have the fruits cakes, which provided free as snacks by my employer. I stopped, after "accidentally" found that during the process, RUM is used, as to flavor and moisten the dried fruits, hence longer expiry date!

  2. As for animal, it must be slaughtered according to Islamic ritual (halal requirements). While I have no doubts in beef/lamb, which are slaughtered accordingly with licence and controlled abattoir. But for chicken, this is not the case, most chicken are sold in market, cleaned. where and who slaughter it? I always wonder why chicken nowadays are tasteless and their meat are like some plastics fibre, so, I try this "organic chicken", then my confidence being restored. It taste sweet, bones as hard as I remember those days, when only "orang tua aje boleh makan"
There are various issues in this topics, being involve in food industry, I would like to continue discussing this, for sure.


Roti Canai said...

Actually there is a good book on halal food by CAP, methinks. One aspect that is seldom touched is animal treatment, which actually is an important aspect halal values (as opposed to Halal rituals), if I may put it that way.

Rashi Hariri said...

Thanks, I am going to discuss the topic indeed. Among others; the technology used in slaughtering the chicken (by thousands) which affects the "adab" or animal right in islamic perspective, and surely you wanted to know why stunning is the key issue, when JAKIM banned meat from Australia. Tempting enough to be served with the appetizer?