
Apr 19, 2008

Food Stock and Security

In my earlier entry - the food as strategic asset and / or business, among other argue the staple food could be the formidable weapon by people against the government. Today, Malaysiakini coming with a report

PM: 'Food security' policy in the works
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today announced that the government was in the midst of formulating a policy to ensure adequate supply of essential food in the near future.

In some of my lecture, one of my popular jokes was about Malaysia in "War". Assuming we have an army invading towards our country, the "battle scenario" is bit different from what you have seen in cinemas like Rambo, combat or real-life like Iraq & Afganistan.

There will no single shot will be fired, let alone a bomb will be drop in our country

What is happening is actually, the blockade of incoming food and related ingredients to Malaysia.

After 3 days Malaysian doesn't have their "normal dose" of roti canai and teh tarik... that's it....war is over :)

These may only jokes, but the reality is, Malaysia is depending to much; importing food from others, from basic - rice, sugar and flour to vegetables and processed food. When PM Abdullah takes over the premierships, the only policy I agreed upon was the "Agriculture is Business" policy which makes the agriculture as important as any other sector.

As we makes and develop ourselves to be more independent in terms of food supply, then strategically we are safe from any kind pressure, both internal and external elements.

As this topic is on the food stock, I am worried of the current policy which indicates that we have 2-3 weeks stock for rice. That is really short indeed as rice can be stored up to a year (in proper condition)

More prudent and deeper analysis is required as to look on how to increase the food stock, which normally begin with a policy; and it shall include information from all the stakeholders such as as farmers, logistics, financial supporting, farming technology and sustainable production.

I hope the government are serious enough...

Perpaduan Melayu: Mengapa Sekarang?

Isu perpaduan Melayu, apa benarkah Melayu berpecah atau orang Melayu sendiri tidak pernah ambil peduli atau dipedulikan sebelum ini?

Kenapa, apabila 5% "swing' undi mereka kepada parti yang lain, maka isu ini ditimbulkan?

Kenapa, semasa mereka yang berlambang keris ini, semasa berkuasa, hanya mementingkan perut dan bawah perut mereka sendiri, sedangkan rakyat - orang Melayu amnya, majoriti masih ditakuk lama?

Kenapa, semasa mereka yang berlambangkan keris, semasa berkuasa, menarik balik kelebihan subsidi Makanan UiTM, sehingga pelajar di situ terpaksa membeli makanan sendiri, atau kenapa ada ura-ura yuran pengajian UiTM akan dimansuhkan subsidinya dan semua bayaran adalah sama seperti lain-lain Universiti (akan dilaksana selepas PRU12..hmm)- dalam masa yang sama mengatakan kononnya UiTM adalaah benteng terakhir umat Melayu? sedangkan kita tahu pelajar UiTM yang majoritinya masih dihuni oleh mereka yang belum mampu...berhutanglah lagi dengan PTPTN, lulus dan kerja belum tentu...hidup dikunci dengan hutang sahaja, kalau ingin belajar sepanjang hayat..hutang pun sepanjang hayat

Kenapa, tiada biasiswa atau bantuan untuk orang-orang miskin tapi layak melanjutkan pelajaran yang umumnya orang Melayu?

Kenapa majoriti pemimpin keris itu dapat menggunakan kereta mewah - Harrier, Mercedez dan BMW, sedangkan rakyat marhaen hanya berodakan dua tayar atau kereta proton sahaja, apa besar sangatkah gaji seorang ADUN, Ahli Parlimen dan Senator?

adakah kerana mereka memimpin, maka mereka layak kepada semua kantung dan tabung-tabung kerajaan?, sedangkan rakyat diminta bekerja dua atau tiga jawatan dalam sehari (part-time job) hanya untuk membeli susu dan beras yang kini melambung tinggi

Atau, kenapa wang royalti PETRONAS diganti dengan wang ehsan (minta sedekah) kerana Melayu memang miskin, semasa keris itu memerintah? atau duit diguna untuk membina masjid yang tidak boleh solat jumaat di dalamnya....hmm, baik jadi surau aje :)

Pemimpin keris yang ketakutan terlepas jawatan, kuasa, wang dan nafsu yang tidak pernah cukup, kini ingin berbicara tentang perpaduan Melayu

Dunia ..dunia... penuh penipuan, dan penipuan terkini ialah atas nama perpaduan melayu

itu baru 5% "swing", kalau lebih? bagaimana agaknya

tunggulah pulak bila inflasi dan kelembapan ekonomi melanda negara....perpaduan Melayu konon

Forrest Gump coming to Malaysia?

Photos from Forrest Gump

Not exactly, instead it will be the theme restaurant opening soon. I hope it will offer the best menu on shrimp / prawn .....Oh, another franchise business, another food offering in Malaysia, we are indeed full of choice of food Nevermind.. It just remind me of those good movie

"The Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Restaurant and Market is a chain of seafood restaurants inspired by the 1994 film Forrest Gump. Launched in 1996 by Viacom Consumer Products (part of Viacom, which also owns Paramount Pictures, the distributor of Forrest Gump) and the Rusty Pelican Company, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. became the first theme restaurant inspired by a film. As of 2007, it had 28 locations in United States, Mexico, and eastern countries of Asia. The first one opened up in Monterey, CA. The restaurant is named after the movie's main characters Benjamin Bufford "Bubba" Blue and Forrest Gump who talked about going into shrimping business" wikipedia

Quote " Life is like a box of chocolate, You will never know what you will get next"