
Nov 13, 2008

failure is just another episode in life

I have failed to secure a project which costing up to RM30 Million, while the payment of consultancy fees about 5% of it.. luxury indeed if succeed in first place. But then, this is business, sometime you succeed, most of the time you failed...I would rather enjoy all the thing I have learned and reflects it in your life (muhasabah) , rather than blaming others.

Personally, this culinary project has taken some of my time and effort, which I should instead focusing on my PhD.

nevertheless it doesn't stop me from achieving what I have planned in my life!!!! maybe I will get later, slowly but surely

the best hikmah is when this failure has impacted to a person by showing off his other side of his attitude... here some of nice meaning which taken from SM Salim song

Kusangka aur di pinggir tebing
Kiranya tebu di pinggir bibir
Kusangka jujur pancaran batin
Rupanya palsu penghias zahir
Kukira hati jiwa nurani
Suci seindah wajah terbayang
Ku kira puji seikhlas budi
Kulupa lidah tidak bertulang
Dimanis gula semut binasa
Kail berduri bersalut umpan
Dimanis kata insan terlena
Kerana budi hamba terkorban
Inikah dia lakonan hidup
Dipentas dunia insan berpura
Tipu dan daya pencapai maksud
Budi dan harta merangkum noda
Failure is nothing as we should learned from mistakes and strategize ourselves how to become better person tomorrow, as we should better from yesterday.. (hey, I think I am quite good in Organizational Behavior now :)

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