
Nov 19, 2008

5Sc3 1989 SMKE VII Taiping

I have very short memories :), as when my former classmates offering the picture of us back in 1989...then only I realized that I had many friends. (Thanks Hassan for the picture)

Above is the classmates of 5Sc3 1989 of Sek. Men. King Edward VII, Taiping, Perak with Cikgu Zaini Mohd Zain as our class teacher, who also teaching Basic Chemistry. This 'sport' oriented school(rugby to be precise) recently celebrated its 125th birthday

I do remember some of them....but at same time I wonder where all have gone. Maybe it is high time to have a re-union


Anonymous said...

hehe..never had imagine you during your school are at the top row, 5th person from have changed a lot en.rashi..physically and mentally as well..u really are my inspiration en.rashi..i'm determine to be involved in this industry..slowly but surely..insyaallah..wish me luck ;)

Rashi Hariri said...

Thanks Azira

You got it right on the picture of me ;)

as to share, do you old picture can make you happier and subsequently makes you younger? :)

Good luck in your destiny Azira

Anonymous said...

chef tetap same...
rambutmu tetap sama..
walau dimakan usia...
walau masa berlalu...
thanks for being my chef

Rashi Hariri said...

Thank you for being a good chef-student..