
Jun 15, 2009


Airmata Yang Mengalir

Ketika Kegembiraan

Hikmahnya Kebahagiaan

Airmata Yang Mengalir

Ketika Kesedihan

Nikmahnya Keinsafan


Kita akan dapat kedua-dua

Hikmah dan Nikmah itu

Tatkala beribadah

Sesudah Bertaubah....
(NEA 1987)

The fantastic view of Kaabah of Masjidil Haram, Mecca (April 09)


farah.munirah hariri said...


Alahaiii, rindu la pulakk.... isk .. isk..isk..

Rashi Hariri said...

yup, me missing it too, nothing beat this place for a vacation.

I am supposed to go there again end of June, suddenly the business dealing is collapsing. Nevertheless, it was a blessing in diguise, as someone inform us on the person we dealing with.

Somehow there is a good news, and hopefully and with prayer, I shall be there again ........soon

farah.munirah hariri said...

oh, that's good news!

Insyallah, will pray for you!